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13 Tips When You’re Preparing For Laser Tattoo Removal(2)

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-12-07      Origin: Site

13 Tips When You’re Preparing For Laser Tattoo Removal(2)

Physical Preparation Tips


7. Eat and stay hydrated before your appointment.

Dizziness or fainting may occur on an empty stomach or if you are dehydrated. There will be some discomfort during the treatment. It feels like there are multiple rubber bands against your skin for a few minutes.


To avoid any risk of fainting or passing out, just make sure you have some calories in your body when you go to your appointment.


8. Quit smoking. Or less.

Permanently, if you can manage it. If you can't, try stopping during treatment. Cigarettes slow down the body's healing process and greatly increase the risk of complications that can lead to scarring or infection.


9. Keep out of the sun. Be sure to wear sunscreen.

Laser tattoo removal takes many months, during which time a full body tan is not ideal. If you must enjoy that luscious vitamin D, at least keep the treated area covered in sunscreen! Tanned skin is prone to adverse reactions. Most laser removal specialists will not treat tanned skin because it increases the likelihood of permanent pigment changes.


Before your laser tattoo removal, you will need to keep the tattoo out of the sun for at least 4 weeks.


10. Take Tylenol – don’t take aspirin or ibuprofen.

If you take Tylenol before treatment, it can help reduce your discomfort. This is one of many ways to make the procedure as close to painless as possible.


However, it's important not to confuse Tylenol with other mild pain relievers. Both aspirin and ibuprofen can cause bruising after treatment.


11. Wear loose clothing as much as possible and do not touch the affected area.

Depending on where your tattoo is located, you may be able to wear clothing that you can remove after treatment without scratching or chafing your skin.


After each session, your skin will feel like it's sunburned—and dressing accordingly can help you avoid discomfort later in the day.


12. Avoid using lotion, perfume and other cosmetics, especially on the area to be treated.

The area to be treated during laser tattoo removal should be clean, shaved and untouched. It is not necessary to moisturize the skin prior to treatment as this will not affect the way the skin receives the laser. In fact, all we really need is for the area to be completely clean and clear.


13. Ask about numbing creams and cold compresses.

We make every effort to make the treatment as bearable as possible. This includes applying cold compresses, cold air, or numbing cream to the tattooed area before the procedure begins. As we mentioned, the laser "pulse" feels like a rubber band snapped, or even tattooed again.


In summary


Modern laser tattoo removal techniques have become more effective, faster and more affordable over time. This is a very viable option for anyone with unwanted tattoos.