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How long is the recovery from laser skin resurfacing?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-03-17      Origin: Site

How long is the recovery from laser skin resurfacing?

Many people opt for laser resurfacing in order to make their skin look younger and more vibrant. Exfoliating the top layer of skin and stimulating new collagen fibers results in healthier, firmer skin. However, like any other skin resurfacing treatment, laser treatments have a recovery time.

Laser skin resurfacing recovery time

After laser resurfacing, these areas heal within 5 to 21 days, and most patients report that they feel better within 5 to 3 weeks. It depends on the nature of the condition being treated and the type of laser used. Laser re-stripping recovery time depends on the following factors:


√ treated area

√ range of treatment

√ laser technology

√ routine or postoperative care

The skin will start to dry out and peel within a week or so. As the old skin peels off and new skin emerges, it may appear tender and pink at first, and makeup can be used to camouflage the pink to red color typically seen after laser skin resurfacing. Within two to three months, the new skin begins to blend with the rest of your skin, but it can take up to a year for the skin's color to return to its natural state.

How to minimize recovery time for laser skin resurfacing?

To avoid uneven pigmentation in the treated area, avoid prolonged, unprotected sun exposure for two months prior to surgery. If you are a smoker, quit smoking at least two weeks before and after your laser skin resurfacing treatment. You'll be better prepared to avoid problems, so your body will recover faster.

Why does laser skin resurfacing take so long to recover?

In the end, two weeks of skin recovery may seem like a long time; however, if you compare laser resurfacing recovery time to other resurfacing methods like microneedling or Fractora, you will find it to be very reasonable.

Postoperative care for laser skin resurfacing during the recovery period

In most cases, laser resurfacing treatments cause a mild sunburn-like rash that lasts for several days. After laser treatment, it is important to take good care of your skin.


The treatment area is kept clean at all times.

Wear the right sunscreen to speed up your skin's healing process.

Ice packs and cold compresses reduce swelling and the appearance of redness.

Moisturize skin with approved lotions and protective skin care products.