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Laser Lipo Machines

Views: 34     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-09-29      Origin: Site

Laser Lipo Machines

Professional laser lipo, technically known as laser lipolysis, or diode laser lipo, is an FDA-approved minimally invasive procedure that uses heat from fiber-optic lasers at various wavelengths to melt body fat. This is a different process from ultrasonic cavitation liposuction, which involves removing fat from the body using vacuum suction and ultrasonic waves.

Laser lipo is a non-surgical aesthetics technology, and it is very convenient for fat removal treatment. For this reason, we call it lazy slimming.

How does a laser lipo machine work?

Unlike conventional liposuction, the idea of a laser lipo machine is not to remove fat cells—it’s to shrink them.

A technician places pads equipped with diodes laser directly onto the skin, allowing emit low levels of laser energy, which creates a chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol and releasing them through channels in the cell membranes.

This causes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink, potentially resulting in lost inches. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.

This treatment is not creating any unnatural reaction in the body nor does it affect or damage any surrounding structures such as skin, blood vessels, or peripheral nerves.

A period of exercise post treatment will ensure the complete elimination of the freed fatty acids from the body.