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Tattoo Removal : Picosecond vs Q Switch

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-31      Origin: Site

Tattoo Removal : Picosecond vs Q Switch

Tattoos are becoming more and more common these days and many people want to get rid of them. But confused about choosing tattoo removal machine and laser type. The two most common laser procedures for tattoo removal are Picosecond and Q-Switched: Nd Yag.

What is a picosecond laser?

A picosecond laser is a laser in which the pulse duration (pulse width) of each laser emission reaches the picosecond level. A picosecond is a unit of time, a trillionth of a second. The laser pulses are so fast, they are very effective at smashing the melanin into tiny dust-like particles. Because the particles are so small, they are more easily absorbed and eliminated by the body. This can mean better melanin removal and less overall treatment.

What is a Q-switched laser?

Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers are primarily used for corrective eye surgery, dentistry, and skin cancer removal. The laser pulses the target area in nanoseconds to heat the ink beneath the skin.

The difference between Q-switched lasers and picosecond lasers

(1) Whereas traditional Q-switched lasers deliver photothermal pulses that heat the skin and surrounding tissue, PicoSure uses optomechanical techniques to smash tattoo particles.

(2) The picosecond laser is faster and the treatment is more precise. This means that the ink or pigment is shattered in a fraction of the time, reducing pain and recovery time.