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What You Need to Know About Ultrasound Cavitation Therapy

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What You Need to Know About Ultrasound Cavitation Therapy

Ultrasonic cavitation is becoming more and more widely used in the market, and it is becoming one of the "revolutionary methods" for fat loss. Ultrasonic cavitation is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive medical technique that uses ultrasonic waves to break down tissue. This is a tool used in conjunction with diet, exercise and a general healthy lifestyle to target stubborn fat areas and improve body tone in specific areas.

How does ultrasound cavitation therapy work?

Ultrasonic cavitation uses low-frequency ultrasound to create vibrations in the targeted area. These waves create bubbles around fatty deposits under the skin, which then expand. Microbubbles burst rapidly, producing heat, water vapor (humidity), carbon dioxide, and other gases, which cause body fat to break down into its own energy source. You will need to continue exercising and eat a low-fat, balanced diet after treatment.

The Difference Between Ultrasonic Cavitation and CoolSculpting

Ultrasound cavitation and CoolSculpting are two completely different treatments, although both are non-invasive. But the biggest physical difference between Ultrasonic Cavitation and CoolSculpting is the method used to kill fat cells. With CoolSculpting, the fat cells are actually frozen, before your skin becomes numb and you are expected to experience some discomfort from the procedure. Most patients will not feel unbearable, but you may experience some swelling and tenderness for a few days after treatment. CoolSculpting has also been associated with dysplasia of fat, which may cause lumps in patients after treatment.

Another significant difference is the cost of treatment. The price of a series of ultrasonic cavitation treatments is usually significantly less than a series of CoolSculpting treatments. The results of most studies were similar, but ultrasound cavitation did have fewer side effects. You must make the best choice for yourself.

The difference between ultrasonic cavitation and liposuction

While ultrasonic cavitation may be called cavi-lipo, it doesn't have much in common with liposuction, except that they are both used to reduce body fat. Here are the most notable differences between the two programs.

Ultrasonic cavitation will be much less expensive than liposuction because it is not a medical procedure. Ultrasonic cavitation is a non-invasive procedure with no cutting, bleeding and very limited downtime. Liposuction is an invasive medical procedure that requires a doctor to make an incision in your body. Liposuction requires some form of anesthesia for pain relief, and during the recovery period, swelling and bandaging, your body is stripped of fat and blood.

Ultrasound cavitation requires multiple treatments for optimal results. Liposuction is a one-time treatment, and while you will experience some swelling for the first few days, you will have a good idea of the results immediately after the procedure.